

报告人: Jiacun Wang教授, 蒙莫斯大学,美国

摘要: Petri nets are a powerful formalism in modeling workflows. A workflow determines the flow of work according to pre-defined business process definitions. In many situations, business processes are constrained by scarce resources. The lack of resources can cause contention, the need for some tasks to wait for others to complete, and the slowing down of the accomplishment of larger goals. In our previous work, a resource-constrained workflow model is introduced and a resource requirement analysis approach is presented for emergency response workflows, in which support of on-the-fly workflow change is critical. This presentation discusses a Petri net based approach for recourse requirements analysis, which can be used for more general purposes. The concept of resource-oriented workflow nets (ROWN) is introduced and the transition firing rules of ROWN are presented. Resource requirements for general workflow can be done through reachability analysis. For a class of well-structured workflows, an efficient resource analysis algorithm is developed.

时间: 5月27日(周日) 上午10:00

地点: 致远楼102