L2 Interpretation of Intersection Cohomology

题目:L2 Interpretation of Intersection Cohomology

报告人:申屠均超 副研究员 (中国科学技术大学)


时间:2020年1月3日 下午3:00-4:00

Abstract:Intersection cohomology is introduced by Goresky and MacPherson as a cohomogy theory on singular spaces which admit the Poincare duality. Decades of works show that this cohomology theory share a bunch of good properties such as Lefschetz package, Hodge-Riemann bilinear relation and Hodge theoretic purity. Although the theory is well established in the context of topology and algebra, the de Rham theorem remains open. In this talk I will introduce the basic knowledge of intersection cohomology and present a solution of the de Rham theorem for intersection cohomology when the space is algebraic and admits only equisingularities. This is the joint work with Chen Zhao.
