Long-Time Behaviors of Numerical Methods on Random Genetic Drift

题目:Long-Time Behaviors of Numerical Methods on Random Genetic Drift

报告人:岳兴业 教授(苏州大学)


时间:2020年10月23日(周五)下午 15:30-16:30

摘要: Random genetic drift occurs at a single unlinked locus with two or more alleles. The probability density of alleles is governed by a degenerated Fokker-Planck equation. Due to the degeneration and convection, Dirac singularities will always be developed at boundary as time evolves, which is just the so-called fixation phenomenon. In order to find a complete solution which should keep the conservation of positivity, total probability and expectation, different schemes of FDM, FVM and FEM are tested to solve the equation numerically. We observed that the methods have totally different long-time behaviors. Some of them are stable and keep the conservation of positivity and probability, but fail to keep the expectation. Some of them fails to keep the positivity. Careful analysis is presented to show the reason why one central scheme does work and the others fail. Our study shows that the numerical methods should be carefully chosen and any method with intrinsic numerical viscosity and anti-viscosity must be avoided. Numerical methods for multi-alleles are also discussed.



ID:907 214 747


报告人简介:岳兴业教授研究方向为多尺度建模及计算金融。现为苏州大学教授、博士生导师,中国工业与应用数学学会理事,曾任中国科技大学教授。学术访问过普林斯顿大学、宾州州立大学、新加坡国立大学、香港科技大学等机构。 在多尺度建模和计算金融学相关领域先后发表有影响力的论文四十余篇,参与并主持多项国家基金项目和科技部973计划项目。
