International Workshop on Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differenti...The International Workshop on Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations is scheduled to be held on 24-25 July, 2010, at Tongji University, Shanghai, China. The workshop aims to discuss research results and trends in elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations and related topics. All teachers and students are welcome.Scientific Committee:Zihua Chen, Tongji Univers...Siping Campus of Tongji University, Zhiyuan Building,Room 107(同济大学数学系,致远楼,107室)
Bifurcation and pattern formation in spatial predator-prey systemsPredator-prey interaction is a basic interspecies relation for ecological and social models. We review some recent results on global bifurcation of limit cycles, steady states in general predator-prey models, some with spatial structure. These results help to explain the rich spatial- temporal patterns which the system possesses.史峻平教授, 美国威廉玛丽学院致远楼1026月30日(周三)13:30
A Delay Decomposition Approach to Stability and H-infinity Control of Linear ...This presentation includes two parts. The first part considers the problem of stability of linear time-delay systems. Firstly, a delay decomposition approach is proposed to deal with the problem. The idea of the approach is that the delay interval is uniformly divided into N segments with N a positive integer, and a proper Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is chosen with different weighted matrices corresponding to different segments in the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. Secondly, based on the delay decomposition approach, some new delay-dependent stability criteria for linear time-delay systems are derived. These criteria are much less conservative and include some existing results as their special cases.韩清龙 教授, 澳大利亚中昆士兰大学致远楼1026月25日(周5)15:30
An Effective Shafarevich Theorem for Elliptic Curves题目: An Effective Shafarevich Theorem for Elliptic Curves报告人:同济大学顾问教授、瑞士苏黎世高工(ETH)数学系资深教授Gisbert Wüestholz博士时 间:2010年7月1日星期四下午15:30-16:30地 点:同济大学数学系致远楼学术报告厅107室热烈欢迎有兴趣的老师和同学参加同济大学顾问教授、瑞士苏黎世高工(ETH)数学系资深教授Gisbert Wüestholz博士同济大学数学系致远楼学术报告厅107室2010年7月1日星期四下午15:30-16:30
LOGISTIC方程的前世今生LOGISTIC方程是自然科学中许多自然现象的基本数学模型。我们将回顾LOGISTIC方程的历史演变,推广和抽象过程,以及它在生态学,化学,基因学中的广泛应用。我们也介绍扩散过程,时滞,空间非均匀性对 LOGISTIC 模型的影响。史峻平教授, 美国威廉玛丽学院致远楼1076月30日(周三)15:30
A New Collocation Method For Ordinary DifferentialEquations of First Order题目:A New Collocation Method For Ordinary DifferentialEquations of First Order报告人:郭本瑜 教授上海师范大学数学系时间:2010年6月23日(星期三)下午3:00地点:数学系107欢迎有关教师、研究生及有兴趣者参加郭本瑜 教授上海师范大学数学系数学系1072010年6月23日(星期三)下午3:00
Curvature estimates for the convex level sets of harmonic function报告人:麻希南教授(中国科技大学)报告题目:Curvature estimates for the convex level sets of harmonic function时间:2010年6月22日,星期二上午10:30—11:30地点:数学系致远楼107欢迎各位参加麻希南教授(中国科技大学)数学系致远楼1072010年6月22日,星期二 上午10:30—11:30
应急响应的工作流管理报告将首先阐述应急管理的四个基本阶段,然后介绍应急响应流程的特点及其建模与分析,最后重点探讨给予agent的应急响应流程的设计与实现。王加存教授, 美国蒙莫斯大学致远楼1026月18日(周5)15:30